
Our partnerships are essential to building a positive legacy for our team and communities.

These are the organisations we’ve built meaningful relationships with that provide education, research, healthcare, native preservation, and representation opportunities in the Otago region.

Box Section Title

Otago Fish & Game
Raising rainbow trout at the Macraes Trout Hatchery for release into reservoirs around the Otago region.
Macraes Community
Development Trust
Grow and development opportunities in the local Macraes community for a long-term legacy.
Macraes Community Inc
Local Macraes community representatives engage with OceanaGold as stakeholders on projects and programmes of work.
Waitaki Whitestone Geopark
Attracting and educating visitors about the Waitaki geological area and surrounding places to visit.
Orokonui Ecosanctuary
Supporting the preservation of native plants and animal species through a pest-free protected forest in the Otago area.
Otago Medical Research Foundation
Supporting ongoing medical research projects that benefits our team and local community working and living in the Otago area.
University of Otago
Conducting research on aspects associated with the mine, including biodiversity, social, and geological research.